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Capítulo IV - Código de Disciplina

1. Development of Conscience


The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System works to help the student form a healthy Christian conscience whose development this “Code of Discipline” targets. In childhood, the normal student’s moral life reflects the morality, borrowed or imposed, of parents, clergy, teachers, and other significant authority figures. In adolescence, however, the student instinctively knows that to be an extension of those who nurtured him is tantamount to never being individualized. Striving, then, for separation and independence, he painfully attempts to discard the security of an identity determined by others and, in an awkward exercise of freedom, seeks to find his own personhood. It is, therefore, essential that the urgency, the confusion, the needs and the developmental tasks of this transition from childhood to adulthood be understood by both parent and the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System if the “teenager” is to be guided successfully through adolescence. But even more important than this is the philosophical base on which everything rests.


Internalization of Catholic morality. ––The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System family, very much aware of this period of adolescent crisis and confusion, takes advantage of the teenager’s desperate search for “heroes” with whom to identify and offers them, through the educational process, new models, solid arguments and exciting insights making Catholic principles and values not only appealing but obviously superior to that which the world has to offer.


The normal adolescent psyche is ridden with feelings of inadequacy and inferiority for which Catholic education offers wholesome solutions in its doctrine in its ethics, in its history, in the philosophy, in its spirituality, etc. If the adolescent internalizes this Catholic point of view, he recognizes that he has power. Not only does he know how to identify readily the harmful manipulative influences of society, but he also is very competent in holding his own when he confronts them: e.g., (1) cult leaders who prey upon weak, naive and innocent minds, (2) those whose political and economic power work to supplant the perennial “Catholic way” with their ephemeral “politically correct way.” (3) the power of personal wealth whose seductions seek to win our minds and hearts, (4) the media (television, cinema, radio, the press, etc.) which vie with the Church for his loyalties and (5) the fad makers who prey on his emotional insecurities and tell him what he needs. To remain truly free, the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System student must be able to discern readily the fallacies used by these malign forces who set out to devour his soul.


Excellence of Catholic Heritage.—To equip the adolescent both to recognize and to counter such forces, the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System presents him with historical facts and solid logic which together demonstrate how his Catholic heritage soars far above anything else the world has to offer. Gradually, the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System student comes to understand how the above-mentioned manipulative forces are in diametric opposition to the ideology and strength of his Catholic culture. Identification with Catholic culture. - The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System, therefore, attempts to supplant the adolescent’s confusion with (1) an awareness of his Catholic cultural identity, (2) a recognition that what he stands for is, indeed, superior and under attack, and, finally, (3) the conviction that true peace and satisfaction come only by working to change the world in accord with his Catholic principles and values.


Sanctions help in the formation of character.––The purpose of this chapter is to help in the formation of the student’s conscience. To accomplish this end, its content must be carefully interpreted within the context of the first three chapters of this book––“Philosophical Statement,” “Rationale,” and “Christian Lady and Gentleman.” To consider this material solely as a list of offenses along with their corresponding sanctions, would be to forget that the “Code of Discipline” exists not to exact punishment but to form conscience and character.


Offense/sanction process.––The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System works hard to maintain a healthy environment for both teaching and learning. If, however, this process is in anyway threatened by a student, effective steps must be taken immediately. The primary means for the resolution of any such problem is through direct, on-the-spot counseling and correction. Since, however, prompt personal direction alone fails very often to give adequate and lasting results, the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System appeals to an offense/sanction process, called the “Code of Discipline,” whereby a student receives demerits in accord with the gravity of the act, the obstinacy of the attitude, and the recidivism of the misbehavior. Logically, the greater the number of demerits, the more serious will the sanction (punishment) be.


Instrument for evoking insight.––The discriminating use of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System’s “Code of Discipline” will, without doubt, effectuate change in a student’s behavior. But change, it must be noted, has to be considered but a by-product of a conscience in formation, of a character still being formed, etc. To think of “behavior modification” as the principal purpose of the offense/sanction process is odious to the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System philosophy and psychology. The “Code of Discipline” is, rather, an instrument––along with individual counseling––for evoking personal insight, which will subsequently foster healthy development of Christian conscience and character.


Not to punish but to promote growth.––Committing an offense, suffering a sanction, reflecting on the evil of sin committed, being repentant, making reparation, and, finally, growing into a stronger, more mature Christian, define both the purpose of the “Code of Discipline” and the very identity of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System itself. The purpose of the “offence/ sanction” process is not to punish an offender, but to serve as an effective instrument for growth.


Disordering the world.–––The student must be brought to see how his behavior affects the community in which he finds himself: his own home family, his Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System family, his future marriage, etc. If, by our behavior, we lead others into sin, we will be judged with great severity, for the Lord Himself says, “He would be better off thrown into the sea with a millstone around his neck than giving scandal to one of these little ones” (Luke 17:1-2). All Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System students must be aware that when one-person sins, everybody, in some way, loses: the class, the school, the teachers, etc. ––for another sin has made the world more disordered. The entire Oratorian family must, therefore, be brought into the “reparation process” by prayer, by fraternal correction, and, of course, by proper sanction.


Assessment.––The demerit history of a student is just one more useful measure to show how the student is doing academically, socially and morally, giving both Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System and parents a better assessment of progress. On a very practical level, moreover, it daily reminds the student of where he is, of where he has been, and of where he wants to be as a Christian.


2. Definition of Terms


  • 2.1 Sanction: A sanction is a penalty attached to morally unacceptable behavior; i.e., refusing to do homework, disrespect toward teachers, deliberate destruction of church property, etc. In other words, a sanction is behavior bearing a penalty.

  • 2.2 Penalty: Penalties are the means with which sanctions are satisfied. A unit is called a “demerit.”

  • 2.3 Demerit: A demerit is the basic unit quantitatively representing misbehavior, or morally unacceptable behavior.


3. Demerits


  • 3.1 Operational period for demerits: The “Demerit System” becomes operational on the first day of the scholastic year; it ceases to function on the last day of the scholastic year. Demerits are not carried over from one scholastic year to another.

  • 3.2 Number of demerits: Demerits may be given to a student individually or in multiples.

  • 3.3 Competency in giving demerits: Rector, director, assistant director, librarian, lunch clerk, and teachers in charge are the only ones competent to assign demerits. Other personnel must speak to the rector, director, assistant director, librarian, and teachers in charge to assign a demerit to any student.


4. Moral Index of Demerits

The index of moral gravity of any misconduct is represented by the number of demerits assigned to it in one given incident.


Demerits = Moral Index

3 demerits = Bad

6 demerits = Serious

9 demerits = Gravity requiring intervention


5. Demerits: Application of Penalties


5.1 In individual incidents: The following chart shows the corresponding penalties for degrees of gravity in individual incidents of misconduct.


Demerits= Penalty

Three = After-school detention

Six or Nine = Saturday detention


5.2 In recidivistic situations: The Pharr Oratory of Saint Philip Neri School System administration will address penalties in those cases of recidivism.


6. Detention Hall


  • 6.1 Conditions for adequate satisfaction: To make adequate satisfaction for detention hall sanction, the student must: (1) arrive on time––tardiness for “detention hall” carries other sanctions; (2) bring enough work for the entire period: one-hour work for after-school detention and three-hour work for Saturday-morning detention; and (3) maintain silence and seriousness during the entire period.

  • 6.2 Penalty for failure to satisfy sanction: Those students who refuse to satisfy a “detention hall” sanction will serve suspension. If the refusal persists, the penalty, at the discretion of the Administration, will be expulsion.

  • 6.3 After-school detention: The student should arrive at after-school detention prepared to pass the hour without a break, without talking or leaving one’s place––emergency exceptions will be determined by the detention-hall officer. Any disruption of the seriousness of the sanction (e.g., arriving late, staying too long in the bathroom, or anything else considered abuse by the detention-hall officer) will automatically warrant another three demerits, i.e., another afterschool detention.

  • 6.4 Saturday detention: The student should arrive at Saturday- detention hall prepared to spend three hours, with one fifteen-minute break after the first hour and a half and without talking or leaving one’s place––emergency exceptions will be determined by the detention-hall officer. Any disruption of the seriousness of the sanction (e.g., arriving late, staying too long in the bathroom, or anything else considered abuse by the detention-hall officer) will automatically warrant another six demerits, i.e., another Saturday detention.

  • 6.5 Payment for detention-hall service: Parents of those students required to use the Detention-Hall System and Service will be billed $5.00 for each afterschool detention and $15.00 for each Saturday detention.


7. Code of Honor

It is presumed that the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System student strives to live an honorable Christian life, that he has accepted the principles and values laid down in the first three chapters of this book as foundational in his personality development, and that, because of his high aspirations, the “Code of Discipline” might only occasionally be used to deal with minor lapses from his high ideals.


The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System student, therefore, finding any form of academic deceit or dishonesty repulsive and completely incompatible with the high standards he strives to live by, willingly affixes his signature to the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System “Honor Book” at the beginning of every scholastic year. He knows, moreover, that any egregious violation of his professed code of integrity might very well be grounds for dismissal.


8. Sanctions and Penalties


  • 8.1 Attitudes Offensive to Sacred Principles

    • 8.1.1 Denial of God as Supreme Arbiter: Habitual contentious attitude denying God as Supreme Arbiter in moral behavior. Penalty: dismissal

    • 8.1.2 Denial of the Church’s moral authority: Habitual contentious attitude proselytizing for any philosophy, organization, etc., which denies the Church’s authority (1) to specify and teach norms for spiritually sound moral behavior and (2) to censure unsound moral behavior. Penalty: dismissal

    • 8.1.3 Mockery of the Catholic Faith: Habitual mockery or sport of Catholicism, its teachings, its rites, its clergy, its lay leaders or faithful. Penalty: dismissal

    • 8.1.4 Against Virtuous life: An expressed contentious attitude denying the need for man to work to develop the virtuous life for his own good and that of mankind. Penalty: dismissal

    • 8.1.5 Immodest dress and behavior: Habitual immodest dress and behavior on or off campus is incompatible with the virtuous life as it taught by the Oratory Schools. Penalty: dismissal

    • 8.1.6 Bad language: Habitual use of vulgar and/or sacrilegious language on and off campus. Penalty: dismissal

    • 8.1.7 Consorting with bad company: Habitual dealings with persons whose style of life and moral values are known to be in conflict with the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System principles and purpose. Penalty: dismissal

    • 8.1.8 Undisciplined behavior: Habitual failure to fulfill the academic, social, hygienic, religious, etc. requirements of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System.

    • 8.1.9 Dishonesty or deceitful behavior: Habitual deceit and dishonesty in academic performance and social dealings. Penalty: dismissal

    • 8.1.10 Collusion to undermine: Any collusion to undermine the philosophy and policies of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System on the part of students, parents, or legal guardians. Penalty: dismissal

    • 8.1.11 Opposition to philosophy: Obstinate refusal to comply with the philosophy, pedagogy, etc., of the school. Penalty: dismissal

    • 8.1.12 Disrespect for the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System authority: Habitual disrespect for the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System authority, e.g., Rector, Director, Assistant Director, Librarian, Coordinator, teachers, lunchroom clerk, etc. Penalty: dismissal

    • 8.1.13. Any violation of civil law: Students are subject to severe sanction if they violate any international, federal, state, county or municipal law. Penalty: possible dismissal 8.1.14 False identification: The possession and/or use of false identification. Penalty: possible dismissal.

  • 8.2 Offenses Against and Questions Related to People in General

    • 8.2.1 Rude behavior toward adults: Any manifest rude, disrespectful or hostile behavior, (i.e., words, gestures of disgust like rolling the eyes, shouting angrily, etc.) toward an adult, especially toward teachers in the classroom. Penalty: 3 demerits

    • 8.2.2. Mockery of others: Any demeaning remark or behavior which has as its purpose making sport of others and which causes undue painful embarrassment before others. Penalty: 3 demerits

    • 8.2.3 Loitering: Standing around and disturbing by your presence those who are teaching, learning, praying, or carrying on any serious business. Penalty: 3 demerits

    • 8.2.4 Failure to demonstrate good manners: Any deliberate refusal to behave like a Christian lady or gentleman. Penalty: 3 demerits

    • 8.2.5 Personal appearance: The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System believes that personal appearance bespeaks one’s identity but also either adds or detracts to the general morale of the academic community

      Fitness and propriety: Therefore, the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System accepts only those young people who are proud to wear its uniform in a way that is fitting and proper. It, furthermore, reserves to itself the exclusive right to determine the criteria for fitness and propriety.

      Identity and dress: Dress will be symbolic of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System students’ inner self and aspirations: i.e., orderliness, cleanliness, modesty, decency, virtue, emotional stability, other-centeredness, respect for others and things important, etc. Whenever the student is wearing the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System uniform, his every action should bespeak the presence of a Christian lady or gentleman.

      Behavior threatening the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System’s good name: Scandalous behavior, on or off campus, threatening the good name of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System is grounds for expulsion or for the school’s refusal to renew the contract.

      • No Dress Uniform: Daily dress for the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System student is his ordinary uniform. The dress uniform is worn for Mass and for other special occasions. Failure to comply with the dress code bears sanctions whose gravity is determined by the student’s demerit history, attitude, circumstances, and by the degree of deviation. Penalty: 3 demerits

      • Inappropriate ideology: The student’s dress may not lend support to any movement or trend contrary to the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System philosophy; e.g., insignias, jewelry, hairstyles, T-shirts, etc. Penalty: 3 demerits

      • Radical dress: Exorbitant dress styles (shoes with exaggerated platform heels and soles, sheer blouses or shirts, etc.) Penalty: 3 demerits

      • Non-white T-shirts: If undergarments show through white shirts and blouses, they may not contain pictures, messages, symbols, etc. Penalty: 3 demerits

      • Non-uniform apparel: Student will not bring non-uniform hats, caps, sun visors, sweat bands to school––7:00 am to 5:30 pm–– except for athletics. Penalty: 3 demerits

      • Tattoos and piercing: Visible tattoos and body piercing are not permitted. The girls may wear one (1) small post earring no larger than a dime in each lobe. No hoop earrings are allowed. Penalty: 9 demerits;possible dismissal

      • Unusual hairstyle and facial hair: All students are expected to keep their hair clean and well groomed. Extreme and unusual hairstyles are not allowed. Boys will not wear beards, goatees, moustaches and long sideburns (mid-ear limit). Hair may not be dyed nor heads shaven. For boys, hair may not cover the eyes, ears or collar of a dress shirt. If a boy is told to cut his hair or to shave and he refuses to do so or disobeys, this bears sanctions.

      • Inappropriate make-up: Only natural make-up may be worn by girls. Penalty: 3 demerits

      • Inappropriate nails: Only natural nails may be worn by girls. Due to security reasons, arcylic nails and long nails are not allowed. Penalty: 3 demerits


  • 8.3. Offenses Against and Questions about Relationships with Peers

    • ​8.3.1 Rude behavior toward peers: Any observed rude, discourteous and hostile behavior toward peers. Penalty: 3 demerits

    • 8.3.2 Someone being punished for what you have done: Allowing another to be punished for what you have done is a sin against both charity and justice. Penalty: 6 demerits

    • 8.3.3 Bullying others: Only cowards harass others. Bullying is defined as repeated acts (verbal and non-verbal expressions and behaviors including written and electronic transmissions) that are coercive and intimidating and inhibit a positive and supportive learning environment. Penalty: suspension; possible dismissal

    • 8.3.4 Hazing: Hazing, which is defined as ridiculing, humiliating, taunting or emotionally or physically abusing another person, as a means of initiation, is forbidden in the Oratory Schools. Penalty: suspension; possible dismissal

    • 8.3.5 Injurious pranks: Any joke or prank which cause bodily harm to a person damage to Church property bears sanctions. Penalty: suspension; possible dismissal

    • 8.3.6 Intemperate display of affection: Any public display of affection going beyond the limits of conventional friendliness, bears sanctions. Penalty: 3 demerits.


  • 8.4 Offenses Against and Questions About the Teaching Process

    • 8.4.1 Cutting Class: Failure to report to an assigned period or missing class without authorization: Students who cut class will not be allowed to make-up academic work, presentations, tests, etc. Penalty: 9 demerits: second offense, suspension

    • 8.4.2 Materials for class not at desk: Materials are not in order when the class begins, holding up the teacher. Penalty: 3 demerits

    • 8.4.3 Challenging contentiously: Disrespectfully challenging the teacher to offend rather than to learn.​ ​

      • Inappropriate Talking: Inappropriate talking about personal subjects with peers during class instruction and classroom activities. Penalty: 6 demerits

    • 8.4.4 Chewing gum or eating without permission: The classroom is a sacred place for serious searching for the truth. Penalty: 3 demerits

    • 8.4.5 Playing or roughhousing in the classroom: The classroom is a sacred place serious searching for the truth. Penalty: 3 demerits

    • 8.4.6 Doing other work during class time: Writing letters, doing the work of another class, arts and crafts, etc., is very offensive to the teacher. Penalty: 3 demerits

    • 8.4.7 Copying the homework of others: Independent work done at home, in the library, etc., presumes that the student strives to be honest and will give the teacher his own work, which has not been shared with others. Penalty: 3 demerits

    • 8.4.8 Cheating on tests: This a major violation of the “Honor Code.” By “test” is meant any examinations or quizzes of all kinds, which are scored and given a grade to determine the “examinee’s” own work or performance. Cheating may be either active or passive.

      Active: Cheating is actively offensive when, during a test, a student himself takes the initiative and (1) uses unauthorized notes or other aids, (2) encourages another student to copy from or be influenced by his own work, (3) offers to another the use of his homework, (4) passes hidden notes or papers to another student, or (5) communicates information to another student verbally or by any bodily movement or gesture.

      Passive: Cheating is passively offensive when a student is encouraged by another and cooperates by (1) accepting his unauthorized aid, (2) giving information, passively allowing him to copy from one’s work or test, e.g., adjusting the body or test so that another can see, (3) lending homework to be copied, (4) receiving or passing on to another hidden notes or papers, or (5) making use of information communicated by another verbally or by any bodily movement or gesture.
      Penalty: zero test grade and 9 demerits; possible dismissal.​​

    • 8.4.9 Changing the thermostat without permission: The teacher is the only one who is competent to determine the appropriate temperature for the teaching/ learning environment. Penalty: 9 demerits

    • 8.4.10 Unauthorized access: The unauthorized possession or use of the Pharr Oratory of St. Phillip Neri School System keys or passwords, i.e., of the security system, the computer systems password, etc.

    • 8.4.11 Violation of the “Computer Acceptable Use Policy: The student is allowed to use computers on campus only within the specific parameters established by the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System. Improper use of computers includes (1) using the computer without permission, (2) unauthorized entry or use, i.e., accessing a password-protected account or folder, (3) vandalism, i.e., rending a computer or system unusable by others, (4) inappropriate use, i.e., accessing sites that are lewd, violent, racially prejudicial etc., or sending electronic files messages with indecent language and content, and (5) the use of translating software or translations of texts studied in class without permission of the teacher. Paying for damages will be parent’s responsibility. Penalty: suspension; possible dismissal

    • 8.4.12 Insubordination: The refusal to submit to or comply with an official order or request given by a faculty member, Rector, Director, or Assistant Director. Penalty: 9 demerits

    • 8.4.13 Leaving campus without permission: There are grave sanctions for leaving campus without permission before dismissal time. Penalty: suspension and revocation of parking permit for 30 days.

    • 8.4.14 Leaving campus with permission but without parents: To leave campus with permission, (1) a students must, first, present to the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System authorities a letter from his parents or legal guardians in which the authorization and reasons for the early departure are clearly explained; (2) he must, then, fill out and sign the documents required by the school; and (3) the Director, or his representative, must review the justmentioned documents and, with his/her signature, give approval to the early release. Leaving campus with the failure to follow each of the three above-mentioned steps of this procedure will be considered “leaving campus without permission” and will bear the same sanction. Penalty: suspension and revocation of parking permit for 30 days.

    • 8.4.15 Electronic Devices:
      1. Students are not allowed to bring the following items on campus: non-school registered laptops or tablets, beepers, laser pointers, remote-controlled devices or similar, iPods, iWatches or similar, recorders, CD players, pagers, cellular phones, hand held computerized games, non-school issued laptops, etc. Violation of this policy will result in confiscation of the item for 3 days. After a second offense, items are held for the remainder of the school year. Confiscated items will be returned only to a parent or a guardian.

      2. Student Cell Phones: Students are not allowed to posses or use cell phones during the school day. (First class through dismissal) Violation of this policy will result in confiscation of the cell phone for three (3) days. After a second offense, cell phones are held for the remainder of the school year. Confiscated cell phones will be returned only to a parent or a guardian. The school is not responsible for the security of these cell phones.

      Penalty: 3 demerits and confiscation for 3 days. Second Offense: 3 demerits and confiscation for the entire school year, and potentially suspension.

      Under this policy, students are not allowed to be in possession of a cell phone while on campus. This policy is applied even if the phone is in the on or off mode. Students cannot store the cell phone on them or in their belongings (back packs, purses, jackets, PE bags, etc.), or on the school premises (classrooms, labs, cafeteria, halls, gardens, dismissal stations, etc.). If a phone is spotted, confiscation of the phone will happen immediately.

      If a parent would like for their child to have their cell phone at dismissal, the parent/student must drop the phone off in the Front Office in the morning. The child will then have the responsibility of picking it up at the end of the day.

  • 8.5 Offenses Against and Questions About Safety and Health

    • ​8.5.1 Running in cloister, rooms and buildings: You might fall or cause others to fall or be hurt.Penalty: 3 demerits

    • 8.5.2 Pushing, shoving or running against others: You become offensive and a danger to others. Penalty: 3 demerits

    • 8.5.3 Possession of arms or weapons: The possession of firearms, knives, weapons of the martial arts, explosives, fireworks, etc., or any instrument––in the judgment of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System authorities––that might be considered dangerous to life and limb, is absolutely forbidden on properties belonging to the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System or those properties used by or contracted to it and bears serious sanctions. Penalty: dismissal

      • Knowledge of the situation: The knowledge of the presence of any of the above-mentioned arms and weapons and the failure to report it to school authorities bears with it sanctions. Penalty: suspension; possible dismissal

    • 8.5.4 Drugs, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, alcohol, etc.: These are absolutely forbidden to the Pharr Oratory of St.Philip Neri School System students. While under school authority, students will be subject to severe sanctions for: (1) the possession of “controlled substance”, “drug paraphernalia”,”cigarettes”, “vapor, ecigarattes, tobacco devices or smokeless tobacco products”, ” “alcoholic beverage”, ”legal drugs used in an illegal or harmful way” (e.g. capsules, pills, powders, glue, paint, etc.); (2) the selling or supplying of one’s personal prescribed medication. All medication must be registered with, kept in, and dispensed by the infirmary. Penalty: dismissal

      • Knowledge, possession, illegal use, etc.: Knowledge (1) of the possession(2) of the harmful use, or (3) of the illegal use of any of the substances or paraphernalia listed or implied in the just-mentioned paragraph and the failure to report it to school authorities bears sanctions. Penalty: 9 demerits; possible dismissal. 

        Controlled substances: By the phrase “controlled substance” is meant any and all harmful, dangerous or intoxicating drugs or substances subject to regulation under federal, state or international law. 

        Drug paraphernalia: By the phrase “drug paraphernalia” is meant any instrument, device, or object which is designed to hold or is marketed as useful primarily by injection, ingestion (whole or otherwise), aspiration (1) to introduce a controlled substance into the human body, (2) to enhance the effect of a controlled substance on the human body, (3) to test the strength, effectiveness, or purity of a controlled substance, (4) to process or prepare any quantity of controlled substance, or (5) to hold a controlled substance while it is being introduced into the human body.
        Alcoholic Beverages: Beer, wine, and all items of destilled liquor containing ethyl alcohol.

      • General Regulation 1: The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System student may not purchase, contribute to the purchase of, use, transport, conceal, sell, distribute, display for sale, provide to another or possess any controlled substance without proper medical authorization, in advance, while under the authority of the school. Penalty: dismissal

      • Cooperation with perpetrator: Any student of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System who cooperates directly or indirectly with the perpetrator of the General Regulation 1 is subject to severe sanctions. Penalty: suspension; possible dismissal

      • General Regulation 2: The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System student may not purchase, contribute to the purchase of, use, transport, conceal, sell, distribute, display for sale, provide to another or possess any alcoholic beverage while under the authority of the school. Penalty: dismissal

      • Cooperation with Perpetrator: Any student of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System who cooperates directly or indirectly with the perpetrator of the General Regulation 2 is subject to severe sanctions. Penalty: suspension; possible dismissal Penalty: suspension; possible dismissal.

    • ​8.5.5 HIV policy: The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System understands that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which can lead to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), is a serious infectious disease. Acting in compliance with federal, state and local laws, each HIV-infected case will be looked at individually.The following statements represent the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System position, which is based on criteria established by law, medicine, and Christian charity. (1) It is not required that an HIV-infected student be automatically, excluded from school. (2) Since each case will be considered individually, the judgment of whether or how an HIV-infected person or of anyone with any infectious, life-threatening illness– might participate in the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System program, will be justly based on competent medical and legal advice which seeks to protect the rights and health not only of the sick person but also of, other students and the personnel of the school. (3) Screening for the presence of HIV antibodies is not a policy of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System. (4) Since an HIV-infected person has the right to be protected from unwarranted disdain and discrimination, his privacy in this matter is to be honored. He/she should, however, act responsibly in his/her dealings with other students, with school employees and with the public in general.

      Bloodborne Pathogens Policy: The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System has a board-approved “Blood-borne Pathogens Policy” in accordance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards, to minimize or eliminate the risk of exposure to blood or other potentially infectious substances.
      Students are taught to report immediately to school authorities any exposure -real or possible– to blood or to any other potentially infectious materials.

    • 8.5.6 Harassment: The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System works to form an academic Christian family, which promotes fraternal love and mutual respect. Therefore, anyone judged to have been a repeated annoyance to another in an abusive, directly coercive or subtly manipulative way for things, in the common estimation of man, intrinsic to that person’s identity and well-being (e.g., gender, religion, nationality, race, etc.) is subject to sanctions. Penalty: suspension; possible dismissal.

    • 8.5.7 Tobacco policy: The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System considers the use of tobacco–– smoked, sniffed or chewed––harmful to good health and forbids its use and possession on campus. Penalty : dismissal

    • 8.5.8 Pornographic materials: The possession on campus of materials which are sexually explicit in written, photographic, or rendered such in any artistic form produced with obviously prurient interests in mind and which would work toward the moral degeneration of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System student is absolutely forbidden, carrying with it grave sanctions. The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System will contact Child Protective Services. Penalty: suspension; possible dismissal

    • 8.5.9 Alarm systems and equipment: Activating any alarm, security or firefighting system or equipment carries sanctions. Penalty: suspension; possible dismissal

    • 8.5.10 Misuse of internet: The school logo or emblem is the sole property of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System. No student may use the school logo (emblem) without written authorization. Students who post the school logo on the Internet via YouTube or electronic social networks (Tweeter, Hi5, Facebook etc.), are subject to disciplinary penalty. Penalty: suspension

  • 8.6. Offenses Against and Questions About Church Property

    • 8.6.1 Not reporting damage one has done to Church property: If the perpetrator destroys or defaces church property, he, being the responsible party, should inform the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System authorities of the damage. Penalty: 6 demerits

    • 8.6.2 Befouling the rest rooms: Those discovered to have used the rest room facilities inappropriately and without consideration for others who follow, will receive a sanction. Penalty: 9 demerits

    • 8.6.3 Defacing Church property with graffiti: Those found to have defaced Church property by writing with markers, pens, pencils, or painting with spray cans, brushes, etc. will receive an appropriate penalty. Indemnity for damage will result. Penalty: 9 demerits

    • 8.6.4 Library, Labs and educational materials: Theft, deceptive use or removable use or deliberate destruction of library property, educational electronic equipment, pupils’ desks or any other educational materials. Indemnity for damage will result. Penalty: 9 demerits

  • 8.7. Offenses Against Things Godly

    • 8.7.1 Unnecessary talking and misbehavior at Mass: Because of the sacredness of the Mass, reverence and silence is normative for those assisting at its celebration. Penalty: 3 demerits

  • 8.8. Offenses Against Good Manners at Table

    • 8.8.1 Table manners at lunch and at other Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System meals: It is expected that the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System student follow the norms for “Table Manners” found in the “Code of Discipline” whenever they can be applied to lunch and other Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System meals. Penalty: 3 demerits

​9. Classroom Rules


Gr. PK3 - Kindergarten​​

CARD / Sanctions = BEHAVIOR


1. Verbal Warning

2. Visual Warning

3. Move Color to YELLOW ​



1. Verbal Warning

2. Visual Warning

3. Move Color to RED



1. Thinking Chair

Grades PK–Kindergarten = 3-5 Minutes


Grades 1-8

Classroom Rules

1. Be on Time

2. Be Prepared

3. Be Respectful

4. Be Neat and Orderly

5. Be Responsible


Demerits System

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