Oratory Academy
Oratory Academy offers a classical Catholic liberal arts education for students from PK3 to 8th grade. Our focus is on helping students become outstanding human beings, improve academic performance, enhance intelligence, and foster spiritual growth and awareness.
Admissions Process
Open enrollment begins January 31, 2024. Please follow these instructions:
Call the secretary to obtain the 2024-2025 Enrollment/Re-enrollment Package. Both parents must sign these forms. If a parent has sole primary custody and will be the only parent signing the 2024-2025 enrollment form, legal custody papers must be attached to the Student Enrollment Form when it is turned into the Administration Office.
All siblings not currently enrolled at the Oratory Academy of St. Philip Neri applying for PK-7th grade for the 2024-2025 school year need to complete a New Student Application forms and return it to the Administration Office. We do not admit new students to the 8th grade.
Bring completed Enrollment Package to the secretary. She will check the forms for completion. Your child’s position on the 2024-2025 roster is not secured until payment is received.
Re-enrollment Information
Registration Update Form: Update the information if needed.
Enrollment Contract
Volunteer Handbook (If needed)
Volunteer Application (If needed)
Authorization for Release of Child (grades 7/8). Students entering 7th grade.
Civil Records
Court certified copy of divorce decree or any court document giving custodial or visitation rights (If applicable)
​​Registration Packet Checklist
Student Information Record
Emergency and Authorization Card
Authorization for Release of Child (grades 7)
Enrollment Contract
Automatic Payment Form
Parent/Student Handbook form
Volunteer Handbook (Parent)
Volunteer Application & Code of Ethics
Consent to release phone number
Consent to release child's photo and other information
Computers and Telecommunications Policy (Parent)
Agreement for use of Computers and Telecommunications Parent Consent
Agreement for use of Computers and Telecommunications Student Consent (Grades 1-7)
Medical Admission Requirement
Tuberculosis Test
Parent validated history of varicella illness
Current Immunization Records
Vision and Hearing Exam
Release of Medical Information
Civil Records
Birth Certificate (Official document from Court Records required)
Court certified copy of divorce decree or any court document giving custodial or visitation rights (If applicable)
Religious Records
Baptismal Certificate (If applicable)
First Communion Certificate (If applicable)
Confirmation Certificate (If applicable)
Home Language Survey
Standardized Test Scores (If not available, entrance exam required)
PK3-K - Parent questionnaire and informal assessment
1-8 - Interview and entrance exam (to be scheduled by secretary)
Student Cumulative Record (Required of students in grades 1-7)
Report Card or Progress Record (Required of students in grades 1-7)
Student and Parent Interview (when requested by Director)
Enrollment Initiatives:
Early Registration = $75.00 discount per child is given for early registration up until February 29, 2024.
Tuition Fees = prorated on a 12 month period.
Large Family Discount: 3 or more children enrolled will receive a 10% discount on total family tuition.