Accreditation & Compliance

The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System is in compliance with the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, or national and/or ethnic origin in the administration of its admissions and educational policies, financial aid programs, employment practices and associated school administered programs.

An understanding of the self, of others, and of God is accomplished by strategic interactive teacher-student and student-student dynamics. In Pre-Kindergarten, phonics becomes the basic building block for language acquisition, gradually becoming integrated into a bilingual curriculum–containing 50% English instruction and 50% Spanish instruction.

Of the basic Classical Liberal Education triad (i.e., grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric) kindergarten is concerned primarily
with the basics of grammar. Phonics, reading, writing, spelling, and arithmetic build the base of the child’s education. Bilingual Curriculum (50% English Instruction & 50% Spanish Instruction).

In the lower and upper elementary grades, students learn to organize facts. Students learn Logic at this stage to develop
correct argumentation. Teachers use advanced graphic organizers, critical questioning, helpful clues, and other learning strategies to develop abstract and independent thinking. While leaning that to know and love God above all things.