Chapter X - Scholastic Year
The Pharr Oratory Of St. Philip Neri School System scholastic year follows, for the most part, the Diocesan school year made up of class days, early-release days, church holy days, national holidays, vacations, teacher in-service days, and teacher workdays.
1. Kind of Days
1.1 Class Day: A class day is a complete scholastic diurnal period whose major component is the instructional session.
1.2 Early Release Day: An early-release day is a partial class day whose components are determined by the particular need.
1.3 Church Holy Days of Obligation, Feasts and Solemnities: Holy days of obligation are days in which Catholics are duty bound to attend Mass, i.e., all Sundays of the year; January 1, the Motherhood of Mary; Ascension of the Lord; August 15, the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary; November 1, the Feast of All Saints; November 2, All Souls Day; December 8, the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary; December 12, Virgin of Guadalupe; and December 25, the Birth of Christ.
1.4 Mass of Obligation: If a holy day of obligation and a class day coincide, the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System children will attend holy Mass during the school day. 1.5 Feast of St. Philip Neri: St. Philip's Day, May 26, is the feast day of the patron saint of the Oratory and, therefore, takes on, among the Congregations of the Oratory of the world, the character of a solemnity. Since St. Philip Neri is the founding spiritual father of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System, participation in this Mass honoring him is required of all students.
1.6 Important days in Oratory life and Catholic education: Throughout the year, the Oratory, the local church, the national church or the international church establish certain days of celebration on which Mass, some other liturgical act, or some planned program, will be celebrated for the student body.
1.6.1 Conscience and moral life formation.- Such events are important not only to the Christian formation of the students but serve to bolster the morale of the entire Oratory family. Such social responsibility-which carries through into all important areas of life, family obligations, civic duties, workplace behavior, etc.- is a part of the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System program to make its graduates aware of their community obligation. Therefore, on such occasions students are obliged to be present. The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System will inform the parents beforehand which days fall into this category.​
1.6.2 Lack of cooperation.- Refusal to join in such festivities without sufficient reason will bring into doubt the suitability of such students to be ranked among the members of the Oratory family. In such instances, the Pharr Oratory Of St. Philip Neri School System will seriously consider denial of future registration. After the event, parents of absent students will be reminded that lack of their support in such important matters has been noted. If, in fact, there was valid cause for such a lack of presence, parents must inform the Pharr Oratory Of St. Philip Neri School System of it in advance or as soon as possible after the event.
1.7 National Holidays: National holidays are officially established commemorations of significant national events often characterized by a suspension of work and school.
1.8 In-service Days: In-service days are certain days with no-class or earlyrelease, set aside during the scholastic year for the professional development of the teaching staff and indirectly profitable to the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System; e.g., special workshops provided by the Diocesan Department of Education, special classes provided by the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System, etc.
1.9 Workdays: Workdays during the scholastic year are certain days with no-class or early-release, during which the teaching staff works within the church/school setting itself in direct benefit to the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System; e.g., consultation with the Director; consultation with rest of the school staff; spiritual retreats; organization of records, class materials, classroom, etc. There are no extended day services on teacher workdays or early release days.
2. Calendar
2.1 Annual Calendar: The "Calendar for the Scholastic Year" gives the specific days for:
the four nine-week periods of class days (Academy)/the three trimesters periods of class (Athenæum),
the early-release days,
the Church holy days of obligation,
the Mass of obligation days celebrated in the Oratory Schools,
the Solemnity of St. Philip Neri, the important days in Oratory life and Catholic education,
the in-service and workdays,
and seasonal vacations of Christmas and Easter.​
2.2 Monthly Calendar: Even though the Pharr Oratory Of St. Philip Neri School System’s official monthly calendar will contain all in-service and workdays, reminder notices will be sent home.