Chapter VI - Academic Regulations
1. Scoring and Evaluation
Letter grades are used to indicate Academic performance. Their numerical equivalent is the following:
Letter Grade = Numerical Equivalent = Academic Description
A+ = 100-97 = Outstanding Superior
A = 96-94 = Remarkable Superior
A-= 93-90 = Superior
B+ = 89-87 = Outstanding Meritorious
B = 86-84 = Remarkable Meritorious
B- = 83-80 =Meritorious
C+ = 77-79 = Without Merit or Defect
C = 76-74 = Without Merit or Defect
C- = 73-70 = Without Merit or Defect
D+ = 69-67 = Not Satisfactory but with Credit
D = 66-65 = Not Satisfactory but with Credit
F = 64 and below = No pass
Pre-Kindergarten Scoring Evaluation
Letter Grade = Academic Description
H = Honorable/Honorable
S = Satisfactory/Satisfactorio
P = Progressing/Progresando
N = Needs Improvement/Necesita Mejorar
U = Unsatisfactory/No Satisfactorio
SN = Special Needs/Necesidades Especiales
The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System interprets the above letter grades with their numerical equivalents in the following way:
1. Category A: Superior. Category “A” describes a student who not only has shown superiority in the execution of his homework, class assignments and participation, quizzes and examinations, but has contributed far above the normal demands made of the class.
1.1.2 Category B: Meritorious. Category “B” describes a student who not only has shown obvious merit in the execution of his homework, class assignments and participation, quizzes and examinations, but has contributed more than the normal demands in class.
1.1.3 Category C: Without Merit or Defect. Category “C” describes a student who has completed his homework, class assignments and participation, quizzes and examinations in an ordinary way and has shown little or no interest, initiative or effort in learning.
1.1.4 Category D: Not Satisfactory but with Credit. Category “D” describes a student who has not completed his homework, class assignments, has scored below average in his quizzes and examinations and has shown little or no interest in learning.
1.1.5 Category F: Failure. Category “F” describes a student who, for the most part, has failed to do or complete his homework and class assignments, has failed in his quizzes and examinations and has shown no interest in learning.
1.2 Equivalent Conduct Grades:
Grade = Equivalent
H = Honorable
S = Satisfactory
N = Needs improvement
U = Unsatisfactory​
The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System provides an online data base (SIS) “Student Information System” in which a parent can access their child’s accounts 24 hours a day to view their grades and check their progress. Parents (Pre-Kindergarten – Second) and students (Third – Eighth) are responsible for requesting their ID number and password from the administration in order to access the system.
3. Testing
3.1 The Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System makes use of standardized tests, program evaluations and teacher-made examinations, which are used to determine the student’s success in inculcating the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System’s philosophy and achieving its goals.
3.2 The Admissions Committee will determine whether the prospective student has mastered both English and Spanish to be able to function successfully in the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System.
3.3 During their course of study, the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System student will be tested with such instruments as Iowa Test of Basic Skills (IOWA) and “Logramos”.
4. Home Study
A student is expected to spend a certain time on home study. During this time, he/she will work at:
mastering recently taught material by memorization and understanding,
reviewing previously present matter,
doing work assigned for the next class and, possibly,
surveying matter yet to be studied.
5. Promotion and Retention
5.1 Pre-kinder and Kindergarten: No student is retained in Preschool and Kindergarten classes except under special need circumstances and only after careful evaluation and advisement has been given by the Pharr Oratory of St. Philip Neri School System and special diagnostic personnel.
5.2 Grades 1-8: a 65% (D) yearly cumulative average must be earned. Fine Arts, Technology, Library, and Physical Education are not figured in this average.
6. Credits
Students must have 90% ( 162 days) assistance and passing grade to obtain a credit.
7. Honor Roll “A” & “AB” (Grades K-8)
Students’ names are posted for honor roll on the outside of the classroom, and their Honor Roll ribbons will be issued every quarter. This is only for students that meet the “A” & “AB” average.
8. Awards Assembly
8.1 Grades PK: By the end of the fourth week of the fourth nine-week period, the teachers select two students per group, who exhibit the spirituality of our patron, St. Philip Neri.
8.2 Grades K-6: By the end of the fourth week of the fourth nine-week period, the teachers average each student's academic performance in both English and Spanish to determine a yearly average. Fine Arts, Technology, Library, and Physical Education are not figured in this average. In addition to selecting two top students per group with outstanding averages (“A”), the teachers also select a student per group (Grades K-6) who exhibits the spirituality of our patron, St. Philip Neri.
8.3 Grades 7-8: By the end of the third week of May, the teachers average each student's academic performance. Fine Arts, Technology, Library, and Physical Education are not figured in this average In addition to selecting the two top students per grade (not per group) with outstanding averages “no less than A” the teachers also select a student who exhibits the spirituality of our patron, St. Philip Neri.
9. St. Philip Neri Spirituality Award
Who: Two students in grades PK3-PK4 per classroom One student in grades K- 6 per classroom One student in grades 7-8 per grade level
When: St. Philip Neri Mass
10. End of Year Academic Award
Who: Top two students in grades K-6 per classroom Top two students in grades 7-8 per grade level
When: End of year grade level assembly
11. Courses Taken in 8th Grade
Courses taken by students in 8th grade for high school credit will appear on the transcript with a grade.
12. Late Work Policy
In order to educate your child about the importance of accountability, all work needs to be turned in on the due date. Please understand that no late work will be accepted. This will prevent a drop in the student’s grade average.
13. Homework
The purpose of homework is to provide practice for learned concepts and skills. Homework may consist of reading, drill work, compositions, projects, drawings, etc. Written homework may be checked orally the following day or collected for correction. All students are expected to adhere to the policies regarding Academic Integrity. Homework grades are taken into account for every nine-week period. All homework must be turned in with the following qualities: good penmanship, grammar, spelling and punctuation, and with appropriate vocabulary (i.e., no vernacular language). Grades K-6: Homework not type-written must be done in cursive (No exceptions). More than three missing assignments will result in conference with the parents/guardian.