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Asbestos Plan

Annual Notification of Asbestos Management Plan, March 2021 - 505 S Ironwood, Pharr, Texas 78577


On March 2021, AAMECC LLC, a Texas Department of State Health Service (DSHS) Licensed Asbestos Consultant Agency (DSHDS No. 10-0495), conducted an asbestos survey at the above reference site. The scope work, inspection, findings and recommendations are presented below.



AAMECC's approach for performing the limited asbestos survey consisted of three (3) tasks: first, collected bulk samples from the interior and exterior of the building for suspect materials to be disturbed; second, submitted the samples to a qualified laboratory for analysis; and third, prepared a survey report, which summarizes the findings.



Asbestos Inspector, Jose A. Arellano (DSHS No. 60-3340), collected bulk samples at the above referenced site on February 22, 2021 for asbestos containing materials (ACM). Thirty- eight (38) bulk samples were collected of suspect material and delivered to J3 Resources, Inc. (DSHS No. 30-0273) (NVLAP #200525-0) in Houston, Texas and were subjected to analysis by the EPA Method 600-R-93/116. This method identifies asbestos minerals by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) and has a lower quantification limit of one (1) percent by weight. A microscopic visual estimation by area under a stereoscope was utilized to quantify the ACM.



The two-story building is approximately 40+ years old and covers approximately 25,000 square feet. Six (6) 2’x4’ ceiling tile samples, nine (9) 12”x12” floor tile samples, six (6) base cove samples, three (3) carpet mastic samples, three (3) sheet flooring samples, three (3) textured ceiling samples, three (3) drywall samples, three (3) AC duct samples, one (1) vapor barrier sample and one (1) exterior plaster sample were collected from the facility. No other suspect materials were going to be disturbed; therefore, no further samples were collected. Review of the laboratory results revealed that no ACM was identified.



Based on the findings, no abatement activities are required. This report may be used to receive a construction/ renovation permit from the city.


For reference, under current Federal NESHAPS 40 CFR 61.145 and the Texas Asbestos Health Protection Rules (TAPHR), each owner or operator of a demolition and/or renovation activity must remove all regulated ACM before any activity begins that would break up dislodge, or similarly disturb the material or preclude access to the material of subsequent removal. Also, prior to demolition of any structural support member, the DSHS Demolition/Renovation Notification form must be completed and postmarked at least 10 working days prior to the project start date (except for emergencies or ordered demolitions).

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